Monday, March 2, 2015

Vorwarts! Blucher project complete

Last year, I got the hankering to do Napoleonics on a scale that allowed me to command armies rather than divisions.  I love my 28mm figures, and I enjoy both Black Powder and the quick-play house rules we use in the Ambler Gamers.  But I wanted the chance to say "Order the Fourth Corps forward!" and "Commit the Guard!" and to refight the epic battles of the period. So I did what any good wargamer would do: commit to gaming in a new scale and search for a good set of rules.

For a long time, I considered Volley and Bayonet, which was exactly the scale I desired. However, the command system left much to be desired. My test for a good set of rules is if it forces players to worry about the kind of issues that commanders at that level  worried about.  

I heard about Sam Mustafa's upcoming Blucher rules, and they seemed to fit the bill perfectly. After months of breathless anticipation, the rules were released in February. Based on two read-throughs, I believe I made the right choice. I can't wait to take these rules for a test drive.

In anticipation of Blucher's release, I started painting up 10mm Russian and French armies on 3" square bases. You can see that I left a 3/4" strip at the back of each base clear for unit labels, which will allow me to keep track of stats and elan losses without having to resort to a roster.  Units have skirmishers deployed and/or artillery attached to signify units with those characteristics.  All other information will be on the labels (you can see a few prototypes fixed on with a glue-stick).

The large command stand is a C-in-C marker. The one with two generals will represent a significant sub-commander. The otehr command stands will be used to show when a unit is "prepared".

The figures are all Old Glory 10mm. With the OGA discount, they come to about $.10 a figure.  These are some Bavarian allies for the French. If I ever get to Phase II, I will add some Poles and Italians. And maybe some Austrian allies for the Russians. And, you know, that Ottoman list looks pretty cool...

The Russian infantry. 10mm is large enough that I can pick out the mitre helmets of the Pavlovski Guard units at this range.

French cavalry. Two units of Dragoons, Guard Lancers, and Chasseurs, plus one unit of Cuirassiers.

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